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Thursday, April 8, 2010


I lay down
The Box inside me
Tightly bound
And the storm came
Brilliant with lightning
Ponderous thunder
Rain so cleansing
In sheets and streams
While I lay unwinding
And the box started moving
Beneath its binding
I have been cold
For so very long
Numb to the touch
Deaf to the song
Yet it is frightening
To open once more
To let my dreams breathe
To see what’s in store
So many spirits
Stand murmuring round
Twinkling light bodies
Their voices round vowelled
Bright came a strike
With a rumbling crack
I stared at the window
Prepared for attack
Nothing came
I was safe for the moment inside
Coddled by warm hands
I lay there and cried
Then the box gave a leap
One strong chain fell away
Promising me
It will open one day
Oh, am I brave enough
Am I to dare
To live and to love
And gods help me, to care?

RCGA, 2010

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